So, I have joined the blogging world once again! I don't really know why I stopped blogging, but I am starting again! Instead of overwhelming myself with blogging about the past 6 months I missed, I am going to focus on one thing...Christmas! I will try to play catch-up throughout the next month though because I want to get this blog printed off! It was sort of like my digital journal, so bear with all of my posts :) Anyways...CHRISTMAS!!! And these are only a few of the pictures because Tyler got me a NEW CAMERA! and I opened it kind of late so I only got a few shots...and I am still learnign how to use my new camera :) We had a wonderful Christmas, we stayed at my parents because Tyler had to work until 3am and I didn't want to be alone on Christmas Eve. He is a trooper and drove down to South Jordan after he worked!
After presents we went to church at my parents ward. My dad sang in the Christmas program, and it was SO good! I LOVED going to church on Sunday, and I wish it were like this every Christmas! It really helped me enjoy and remember the meaning of Christmas, and I felt the spirit so strongly. After church we went to breakfast at Jeff and Heidis. Then we went to Grandma and Grandpa Johnsons! After that we went straight to Joe and Melindas for Christmas dinner. When we got home we played Kinect Dance 3 for a loooong time. It was a long joyous day with lots of food and lots of family! I love my family and every second I get to spend with them!! We have been so blessed! It has been an amazing Christmas season, thanks to all who helped make it that way for me and my family! :)