Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Years!!!
For New Years Eve this year, Tyler and I went over to some of our good friends house and had a PARRRTAY!! There were so many of our good friends there that we don't get to see very often, it was so much fun! We played a lot of games, ate food, and celebrated!! Yahoo!
One of the things we did was the dance dance Wii thing! Oh my heck it is HILLARIOUS! You have to mirror what the people are doing on the screen. It is incredibly funny to watch. Here is some of the boys giving it a try :)

Everybody was suprised with Tylers moves! He was unstoppable...even by us girls! He was the best dancer of the night, and he just looked so cute doing it!

Here are some of us girls doing it....oh my heck, we were all sweating so bad by the end! Fun fun fun.
More dance moves...
Laura and I had a verrrry fun evening! Hahaha, good ol sparkling white grape juice stuff.

All of the girls of the party! Apparantly I am the alcoholic? Once again...sparkling apple juice stuff :)

This picture was right after we did our party poppers and celebrated the new year!!
And this picture of course was our NEW YEARS KISS!! It was our very first New Years kiss...I was in Ecuador last year burning dummies at this time!! Both years have been great. This whole year has been just wonderful starting off with Ecuador, doing school, getting married, and a whole lot in between!! Yahoo for 2009, and bring on 2010!!


  1. Cute blog jessica!!! I can't believe how much Jordan has grown up!!! Crazy... ha ha but fun blog I'll have to put a link to mine :)

  2. so cute :) You remind me of granny in the pic where you look like an alcoholic. She's done that multiple times when i've taken pics (at your wedding luncheon and on christmas. ha ha)

  3. I've always wanted to play that dance dance WII game but never heard any reviews about it! guess i'll have to check it out now! Hope all is well Jess!
