Thursday, November 11, 2010

Lily Bear

Lily in NICU...poor Angel. Tyler and I gave her a lot of pep talks to get her out of there, she was a tough little cookie and did excellent!

She kicked the first IV out of her they put it on her hand. It looked just awful :( Isn't this a sweet picture though of her holding daddys hand?

Finally coming home!!! :) :) :)

Home! :)

Tyler fell asleep a lot...such a hard worker, and a wonderful dad!

First bath! My mom (nana) came and stayed with us in our apartment for about 4 days, I was so glad! She even slept on the uncomfortable fouton!


  1. She is so cute and little! I love her dark hair I hope you guys are doing well!

  2. So glad to see some more pictures! What a cutie! I didn't know your blog was down - I was thinking you are just busy being a mom and not blogging so much anymore. : ) You can change the date of your posts to match your event a little better (if you want for the book). Look under "post options" when you post. Good luck catching up. Can't wait for more.
