Friday, March 18, 2011

St Patricks Day!

So as most of you know, I was SO excited to get me and Lily all dressed up in green that we did it on Tuesday as well as Thursday! Haha, really, I thought St Paddys Day was on Tuesday! I sent out a cute text to my family with Lilys picture...haha, my mom told me the hard news in her reply that it wasnt until Thursday! I just LOVE taking pictures of Lily! Here is my cute little girl :)
Her toe nails are even green! :)

Haha I just LOVE this picture! Check out them eyes!


  1. can you say ADORABLE! Haha that makes me laugh you got all dressed up on Tuesday! Lol. Oh jess her eyes are so amazing- cute, cute.

  2. Look at that little smile! She looks like she packs a ton of personality into that tiny little body!
